Eivind Aadland conductor
Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra
BARBER Adagio for Strings
BEETHOVEN Symphony No 5
in C minor, Op 67
Samuel Barber’s Adagio for Strings is one of the most emotionally charged works of the 20th century. It has been played to honour the passing of the world’s beloved characters, both real and fic onal. While you may recognise it from films such as Platoon or The Elephant Man, this s rring American composi on was also played at the funerals of Albert Einstein and Grace Kelly. Take a deep breath a0er the final note, because Beethoven’s thrilling Fi0h will strike next on this program.
Hearty Homemade Soups, “Bubbly” & Wine
Tickets on sale outside Portland Hall every Saturday from 31st July
9am – Noon (if it’s raining find me inside) or phone Carol: 0418 135 051
Tickets: $25 pp for Concert & Soup