Would you like to find a way to meditate and silence the noise?
Would you like to unplug totally from the noise and distractions of modern day life?
Would you like to meditate in a beautiful setting where we’ll be using all that the Vortex Healing Centre offers and doing our meditations inside and outdoors, sitting quietly and practicing moving meditation.
There’s a reason it’s called “the practice of meditation” because that’s exactly what we do.
We practice becoming ever more aware.
Aware of the breath.
Aware of all that is inside.
Aware of all that is around us.
Aware of all of our 5 senses.
Aware of how much our higher self would like to show us more.
Aware of WHO we truly are.
Aware of WHAT IS.
Barbara Longue [email protected]
Phone: 0448516488
Website: https://www.vortexhealingcentre.com/silent